2nd February 2013: Glowing Four Star Review + Featured Article of ‘New Focus’ in Feb. 2013 Jazzwise Magazine “…A Fine Album That Deserves a Wide Audience.”
A full page article and CD review of Konrad Wiszniewski and Euan Stevenson’s ‘New Focus’ is featured in this month’s (Feb. 2013) Jazzwise magazine, with the album being described as “…allowing the jazz and classical units to speak to one another with an ease and fluency rarely found in Third Stream…” and “a fine album that deserves a wide audience.” The article covers why and how the project began alongside Wiszniewski and Stevenson’s thoughts on the release, with the 4 start review stating the album to be “.. a triumph that both draws on and updates the original ‘Focus’ (Stan Getz with strings).”
You can visit the ‘New Focus’ page here to hear samples and purchase the album.
‘New Focus’ will soon be performed at ‘The Caledonian Club’ in just a few days time on Tuesday 5th February, tickets can be found through our events page.