8th June 2013: BIG NEWS! Announcing new distribution partners Distrijazz (Spain, Portugal & France) and Socadisc (France)
We’re very excited to announce that as a result of our recent trip to Jazzahead! in Bremen Germany we’ve secured some new distribution deals in some key territories in Europe. Distributing our albums in Spain, Portugal and France (select titles only) will be Distrijazz, one of Europe’s best distributors of creative music with offices in Barcelona and Madrid. We’re very excited to be working wit
h such a passionate and dedicated company who have creative and forward thinking ideas on how to get the kind of music we release out to the masses. We’ll also be working with the French-based Socadisc on select titles as well. So in the coming months look out for our catalog in stores across Spain, Portugal and France and thanks for your continued support.