13th January 2015: Max Luthert continues ‘Orbital’ UK tour 18th January, preview in Jazzwise Magazine

Orbital is the debut album from double bassist and composer Max Luthert, a London-based musician currently known for his work as a sideman in the bands of recent MOBO Jazz Act winner Zara McFarlane, Whirlwind-signed Partikel and Benet McLean. His debut was launched in October and features long-standing musical collaborators in fellow Partikel leader Duncan Eagles (tenor saxophone), Gareth Lockrane (flute), Dave Hamblett (drums), Matt Robinson (piano) and Séb Pipe (alto saxophone).

Max is about to hit the road for another leg of his ongoing ‘Orbital Tour’ check the flyer below and for full details of all tour dates (including booking links) visit our Events page by clicking here where you’ll also find dozens of other Whirlwind artist concerts.  Here’s a nice preview from Jazzwise Magazine.


max luthert tour
